

FORWARD HEAD POSTURE. Is this causing you trouble?

This problem is becoming prevalent in our communities due to poor posture when using your computer, mobile device and generally being unaware of posture or where our bodies are in space as we do less and less in our physical world. This is particularly important to parents...


Q: It's cold! How can I get motivated to keep exercising & eating well? 

A: Firstly, remind yourself of exactly why you started your journey to become active and eat well.

 We often forget how powerful our core motivation can be to feel stronger, live longer, be a good role model or simply fit into those jeans and avoid the...


A faster metabolism means you automatically burn more calories every minute of the day (and night). Here are six proven ways to boost your metabolic rate:

1. Move More

You burn around 1 Cal per minute at rest, 4 Cal per minute walking briskly and over 8 Cal per minute running fast. You can dramatically increase your metabolic rate by moving more often and with more...